Interactive Motion Comic

Find out about the Interactive motion comic, Songs of Travel, which tells five stories of migrants seeking new beginnings in Europe. The soundtrack is composed by Elaine Agnew.

An Interactive Motion Comic (IMC), or “animated graphic novel” called Songs of Travel. Causa Creations has produced the game and commissioned music by composer Elaine Agnew that serves as soundtrack. The target group is teenagers.
When can I take part in it?
Songs of Travel IMC is now available for Android an iOS free of charge.
Story of the
Interactive Motion Comic
This interactive adventure motion comic (IMC) for mobile devices will comprise 5 chapters following the story of 5 migrants as they flee their troubled homeland of Syria, Italy, Turkey, Ukraine and Vietnam to a new beginning in Europe. It will also chart their experiences on arrival in Europe as they try to build a new life including stories of second-generation migrants who have ‘settled’ over the last decade. The comic will also feature Jack Gutmann who already starred in the autobiographcial adventure game Path Out by Causa Creations and will appear as a narrator througout the interactive motion comic. A soundtrack of contemporary classical music will be composed for the game incorporating themes of migration. The soundtrack will also include a song written by Jack’s  brother, composed whilst fleeing his home and one which comforted Jack himself during his journey by foot from Syria.
The making of the
Interactive Motion Comic
The interactive motion comic is produced by SOT partner Causa Creations, an Austrian game development studio, whom Jack Gutman now works for. The ICM is approximately 60 minutes long. It is aimed at ages 14+ and will be adapted to a Let’s Play-experience whereby participants watch a narrated video of the game.
Photo by
Andreas Teerlak
Jack Gutmann

The Syrian generalist artist Jack Gutmann considers himself on a mission to push the boundaries of games beyond the realms of fun and profit. He sees games as an opportunity to learn and explore beyond one's limitations. In 2016 he worked together with Causa Creations on a game about his escape from Syria called Path Out. He currently joined forces with Causa again, to work on a new game within the project Songs of Travel.