Songs of Travel (SOT) is a transnational Creative Europe Cooperation Project that aims to raise awareness and foster empathy for climate change and migration through music. It also strives to develop and implement a sustainable operational model for specialized classical music festivals while improving access to, and circulation of, contemporary classical music. 

The outputs will be five
musical scores, four SOT festival strands, an interactive motion comic, an education resource, a green policy for classical music festivals and a report on sustainability research.

Explore our five new musical scores

Our four classical music festivals have joined forces to commission and present five contemporary classical music works by composers inspired by the themes of climate change and/or migration. One of these works will also serve as the soundtrack to our interactive motion comic.

We have made an Interactive Motion Comic

One of the aims of SOT is to bring the personal stories of migrants to a wider audience, and to paint a vivid picture of the topic of migration. The motion comic explores various aspects of migration through the personal stories of five individuals, each with a unique perspective. It is being produced by Causa Creations (Austria) with a soundtrack composed by Elaine Agnew.

Soon you can start using our Green Policy for classical music festivals

Our four festivals will address sustainability from both an ecological and artistic standpoint. We will develop and implement a Green Policy to promote environmental consciousness, while also ensuring the longevity and relevance of the newly commissioned compositions. Research will be conducted to understand the perspectives and attitudes towards sustainability among stakeholders in the music world.

Watch out for SOT Educational Package

A Contemporary Classical Music Education Programme, Music to Young Ears, will be created to facilitate engagement with contemporary classical music and highlight themes of migration and social inclusion for different ages. ome of the new works of music will form part of the education package.

The way forward

Songs of Travel is already on its way. Make sure to sync your calendar with ours and join us on the many events and festivals lined up in our calendar.

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Partners & People

Songs of Travel is a Creative Europe Cooperation Project that joins music festivals Cellissimo by Music for Galway, Fairplay Chamber Music, Valdres Sommersymfoni and Piano Biënnale by Keys to Music Foundation with boutique game development studio Causa Creations. Find out more about them and the people involved.

Cellissimo / Music for Galway
Galway, Ireland
Fairplay Chamber Music
Järna, Sweden
Valdres Sommersymfoni
Valdres, Norway
Piano Biënnale / Keys to Music Foundation
Causa Creations